Qual’è lo sport di tendenza di questi ultimi anni ? Il KITE!
In libreria potete trovare le ottime “ Kite and windsurfing guides “ del mondo e dell’ Europa della Stoked publications, in versione inglese .
Quella del MONDO (9783937323220 ) illustra oltre 1200 tra i posti migliori del pianeta in più di 100 paesi con foto mozzafiato e cartine dettagliate.E’ suddivisa in nove capitoli : Europa, Africa, Oceano Indiano,Asia orientale, Australia, Isole del pacifico, America del Nord, America Centrale & Caraibi e Sudamerica.
La guida d’ EUROPA ( 9783937323343), aggiornatissima con 464 pagine , tratta di oltre 40,000 km di coste , in 17 paesi e più di 2500 località con cartine ed immagini spettacolari . I paesi descritti sono Irlanda, Regno Unito, i paesi scandinavi, Germania, Olanda, Belgio, Francia, Spagna,Portogallo, Italia, Grecia,Turchia, Marocco ed isole Canarie.
Entrambe le guide contengono anche spiegazioni approfondite su venti, onde e condizioni metereologiche , assieme a suggerimenti pratici su negozi e scuole specializzate , alberghi, ristoranti e varie altre informazioni pratiche onde ottimizzare il viaggio.
“The endeavours behind this 320 page work were enormous: like the EUROPE GUIDE all the information was collated first hand from hundreds of experienced locals. On top over 50 pro riders, world champions and legends of our sports contributed their knowledge and experience. The Wall-of-Fame is adorned with names like Antoine Albeau, Kristin Boese, Pete Cabrinha, Bjørn Dunkerbeck, Aaron Hadlow, Robby Naish, Ruben Lenten, Ben Wilson and many, many more – a who’s-who of the whole kite and windsurfing scene. And finally the archives of 100 of the world’s leading photographers had to be screened and out of 20.000 action and travel shots, the best 700 pictures were selected for the book.”
“As well as the joy of rekindling our love for the ‘grand dame’ of Europe, this project held many more surprises in store. Above all, having already researched our unique Europe and World Guides once, we never expected this revised edition to be quite such a mammoth task! Yet the rapid development of our sports over the past decade has had a dramatic impact on so many beaches – and as we revisited those we already knew, more and more new spots emerged too. It was soon obvious that a simple update really wasn’t an option… Nearly three years later, the number of spots had grown by almost 50 percent to 2,500: all with bang-up-to-date information and completely new spot maps. Plus we raided the archives of the best surf photographers on the continent again. From an incredible 38,000 photos we selected the best 1,200, taking the picture quality to a whole new level. In the end, all that effort made the result even sweeter. The Europe Guide is the ultimate travel companion: take it anywhere on the continent and you’ll always find the right spot for your session.”