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Introvabilia”, una selezione di volumi rari o semi introvabili, che potete richiedere contattandoci a in questo articolo potete trovare “UAE Off-Road” di Tim Binks edito da Explorer al prezzo speciale di € 29. Vi interessa? Non vi resta che scrivere a Gulliver Libri per viaggiare!

Introvabilia”, a selection of rare or semi-unavailable books, which you can request by contacting us at here you can find “UAE Off-Road” of Tim Binks by Explorer at the special price of € 29. If you are interested, write to Gulliver Libri per viaggiare!

Featuring 18 awesome routers, the all new UAE Off-Road is the ultimate guide to exploring the UAE’s outback. Whether you’re an absolute beginner or a seasoned professional, UAE Off-Road will help you discover remarkable drives through the UAE’s varied landscape. With unique satellite imagery, and foolproof step-by-step directions, the map pages are the clearest available. The GPS coordinates of each route are included for serious adventurers. There’s also useful information on route highlights such as historical sites, waterfalls and pools, camping spots, and nearby visitor attractions. Vital driving and safety advice is included, while an expanded activities section now covers hiking, biking, swimming and camping, and for the first time, off-road motorbiking. A comprehensive nature section has details of the flora and fauna you may come across on your travels.

There are: Desert, Mountain, and Wadi Drives; Easy-to-read Maps; Safety and Driving Tips; First Aid Advice; Natural World; Outdoor Activities.

Off-roading may be a lot of fun but try not to forget that a little respect for mother nature and your fellow drivers also goes a long way. Respect nature by being careful where and how you drive. Try not to squash the ecosystem completely, especially as some greenery may have lain dormant for 10 years before sprouting after the slightest drops of rain. Respect the environment by taking all your litter home – that means bottles, cans, plastic, nappies! Litter is not only unsightly but also dangerous. Leaving a carrier bag lying around can lead to the death of animal, either by asphyxiation or swallowing, and broken glass can cut unwary feet. Respect others by driving with due care and attention. When you drive past someone walking, running, cycling, or in another vehicle -slow down well before, giving time to let the dust settle. Respect the tranquillity by keeping the noise down when camping so that others can soak up the silence.