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Introvabilia”, una selezione di volumi rari o semi introvabili, che potete richiedere contattandoci a in questo articolo potete trovare “Patagonia Vertical. Climbing Guide” di Rolando Garibotti e Dörte Pietron, edito da Sidarta al prezzo speciale di € 45. Vi interessa? Non vi resta che scrivere a Gulliver Libri per viaggiare!

Introvabilia”, a selection of rare or semi-unavailable books, which you can request by contacting us at here you can find “Patagonia Vertical. Climbing Guide” of Rolando Garibotti e Dörte Pietron by Sidarta  at the special price of € 45. If you are interested, write to Gulliver Libri per viaggiare!

Una guida dettagliata allo straordinario Cerro Chaltén nella Patagonia del sud, Argentina. Scritta dall’ambassador Patagonia Rolando Garibotti e dall’esperto di arrampicata Dörte Pietron, questa guida completa della zona del Chaltén descrive ogni cima e ogni via, incluse le catene del Cerro Fitz Roy e del Cerro Torre, così come quelle del Cordón Adela, del Cordón Marconi, del Cerro Piergiorgio e del gruppo del Cerro Pollone. Il testo include informazioni generali, storia, accessi, descrizione delle vie, attrezzatura consigliata, strategia e discese. La prima edizione ha vinto il premio come Migliore Guida al Festivale Banff per Film e Libri.

Patagonia Vertical is the definitive mountaineering guidebook to the Chalten Massif Mountains in southern Patagonia in Argentina, which includes the Fitz Roy, Torre, Piergiorgio, Marconi and Adela mountain groups. The climbing here is centered on numerous steep jagged granite spires that range from 300m to 1,500m high. These mountains provide many classic alpine mountaineering routes involving rock, snow, ice-climbing and scrambling.

The quality and attention to detail stands out in this guidebook, with every aspect of the climbing in the area covered. This includes monthly average precipitation, humidity, temperature, and wind speed through to good environmental practice. Each route includes technical details, a description, a history, descent details, a bibliography, plus an excellent quality colour photo topo or line topo (often both).

Whilst climbing in this region is still an adventure the general infrastructure has vastly improved meaning climbing in the Chalten Massif is a climbing trip and not an expedition. The best time is visit is from is November through to the end of February, which statistically is the driest period.