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Introvabilia”, una selezione di volumi rari o semi introvabili, che potete richiedere contattandoci a in questo articolo potete trovare “This is Tucson. Guidebook to the Old Pueblo di Peggy Hamilton Lockard, edito da Pepper Publishing al prezzo speciale di € 40. Vi interessa? Non vi resta che scriver a Gulliver Libri per viaggiare!

Introvabilia”, a selection of rare or semi-unavailable books, which you can request by contacting us at here you can find “This is Tucson. Guidebook to the Old Pueblo” of Peggy Hamilton Lockard by Pepper Publishing at the special price of € 40. If you are interested, write to Gulliver Libri per viaggiare!

Peggy Hamilton Lockard lives in Tucson and has watched the city grow from the small town she moved to in 1958, when the city rolled up its streets at 10pm (and some of those streets, like Wilmot Road, werw unpaved in those days), to the bustling cultural metropolis Tucson represents now. Before becoming a photographer, author and publisher peggy was a model, legal secretary and real estate broker. Her commitment to the city of Tucson is strong and she can usually be found deeply involved in community issues. Her community service to the city of Tucson includes having been a member and vice-chair of the Tucson Planning and Zoning Commission (during the time when the commission implemented Tucson’s Historic Zoning Ordinance), a seven-year member of the Tucson Board of Adjustment, where she served as chair for four of those years, and a member of the Sign Code Revision Committee. She is presently a member of both the Citizen Sign Code Committee and the City Sign Code Advisory and Appeals Board. Peggy has lived in nine states and traveled in forty-five of the fifty states, including Alaska and Hawaii. She has also traveled in Egypt, Canada, Great Britain and Continental Europe and extensively in Mexico. With this background she has written “This is Tucson” to introduce you to her favority city, the Old Pueblo.